Meet the author. 

Dr. Eric C. Smith

Thanks for stopping by! I am thrilled that you have found your way here to Dove Press!

The Dove Press writing ministry originated in the weekly preaching ministry at Sharon Baptist Church in Savannah, Tennessee, where I have served as Senior Pastor since 2013. We are committed here to what is sometimes called “expositional” preaching: it just means we want to bring out of the Scriptures that God has inspired as clearly and accessibly as possible. I have been stumbling my way through this wonderful calling for close to twenty years now—it is the great joy of my life.

After many years of preaching book-by-book through the Bible, my friend and associate pastor Jeremy Isbell and I published a daily Advent devotional in 2019 to try to serve our church family at Christmastime. Since then, we have continued to turn out these studies, and our church family has been faithful to pass them along to their friends and neighbors. Our mission is simply to occupy the people of God with the Word of God (Acts 18:3).

Somewhere along the way, Jeremy and I started referring to this ministry as “Dove Press”—the name comes from the bird on the Sharon Baptist Church logo. But we are under no impression that we are some big-time operation. We’re a couple of small-town West Tennessee friends, pastoring our church and raising our families, and trying to sow the good seed of the Word as faithfully as we can. I take great hope and encouragement in Jesus’ commendation of Mary of Bethany—“she did what she could (Mark 12:8).” At Dove Press, we’re simply trying to do what we can for our wonderful Savior—who so graciously accepts our small offerings, overlooks their many flaws, and then—inexplicably!—uses them for his glory. I pray that the Lord Jesus would use our humble efforts to show you just a little more of his own generous heart through his Word.

In Jesus’ love,