David is the Old Testament's supremely attractive, yet enormously flawed, hero. At his best, he simply radiates goodness. At his worst, David supplies us with the Bible's soberest warnings about the life-altering consequences of sin among those who have walked nearest the Lord. Yet even in his darkest moments, David shows us how God makes great saints out of guilty sinners, through repentance and grace.
As you read along with us in 2 Samuel, may you, like David, learn to call God "mine," your rock through every season of life.
As you read along with us in 2 Samuel, may you, like David, learn to call God "mine," your rock through every season of life.

Throughout the Old Testament, God made many promises to his people about how he intended to overcome sin, evil, and death in his world through a very special king from the line of David. In the "Royal Psalms," we see God's people longing for a Messiah, a promised king, who would fulfill these promises. At Christmas, the hopes and fears of all the years were met in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to change the world forever.
Join us this Advent as we celebrate our Merry Messiah's first coming at Christmas and long for his second coming when he returns!
Join us this Advent as we celebrate our Merry Messiah's first coming at Christmas and long for his second coming when he returns!

One of the most overlooked gems for Christian living, 2 Peter teaches believers that the only way they can maintain their spiritual stability is by continuing to move forward. This little book urges Christians to not grow complacent or satisfied with the faith they received at salvation, but to supplement that faith with all the qualities of Christlikeness!
It's time to do some pedaling.
It's time to do some pedaling.

The Christian life is a race that requires endurance, but it also brings exhilaration. Surrounding us is a great cloud of witnesses, who having completed their race now cheer us on. At every step, great joy is set before us as we fix our eyes on Jesus!
Are you ready? Let's get running.
Are you ready? Let's get running.

The first ten chapters of Hebrews all carry a single message: CONSIDER JESUS. The Son of God came at Christmas to be our merciful high priest.
So at Advent, let's slow down, focus, & ponder this priest who is at this moment pouring out prayers for you that will keep you to the end.
So at Advent, let's slow down, focus, & ponder this priest who is at this moment pouring out prayers for you that will keep you to the end.

After unpacking the glorious gospel in the first part of Romans, Paul calls believers to present themselves as living sacrifices in service to Jesus. This total life commitment only makes sense with a renewed mind, trusting the promise that those who lose their lives for the sake of Jesus will find it, every single time.

Uncertain as to how he might help, yet longing to see God honored, Nehemiah makes himself available to the Lord. God responds to that humble prayer by using Nehemiah to build up, repair, and restore for God's own glory. Nehemiah provides for us a model of holy ambition and hard work, spiritual sensitivity and practical wisdom, tender love for God's people and rugged perseverance. Whatever obstacles we may face, let's follow his lead in giving ourselves to "build up" for God's glory in our time!

For some of us, the busyness and demands of the Christmas season can leave us worn out, tired, and downright grumpy. For others, it's a season of loneliness and grief after the loss of a loved one. From financial stress to family tension, this time of year presents an amazing battleground for sanctification in the Christian life. Like a field manual for the holidays, this little book draws all over God's word to help you answer the question: how can I celebrate Christmas to the glory of God? May this Christmas be truly merry, bright, and holy to the Lord!

This little book, written for the Easter season, offers thirty days of reflections on the love of Jesus from John's gospel. The 'beloved disciple' does not identify himself as "the disciple who loved Jesus," but rather as "the disciple who Jesus loved!" And Jesus loves you. Specifically and personally. Undeservedly and unreservedly. Constantly and eternally.! This Easter, may we know his deep, deep love!
APRIL 2022

Our world is broken. Life under the sun is challenging. The goal of Ecclesiastes is to give you wisdom to navigate it to the glory of God, and to fill you with joy--wise joy. This joy comes only from knowing Christ & understanding this broken but beautiful world we inhabit. May the Lord lead us all into his own wise joy as we explore this little book!

While an Advent devotional book from the books of Kings and Chronicles is an unconventional approach to the Christmas season, the stories of Israel and Judah's kings are all about looking forward to the arrival of Jesus and understanding how much we need a Savior! May the Lord direct our hearts to Jesus, the Root and Descendant of David, the King who came to serve and save needy sinners.

Each day this Easter week we will reflect on one of the "Seven Words from the Cross" Jesus spoke as he bore our sin. These seven words will lead us again and again back to the heart of gospel: Christ Jesus died for our sins, and in his finished work, we have all that we will ever need. Come to the cross with us; receive, rest, and rejoice in the gospel!

Among all the characters present at the nativity, it's easy to overlook the meek man of faith named Joseph. Yet God uses his patient, sacrificial love as a model for Christian discipleship! God often leads his people down many unexpected paths, but he always writes a better story for our lives than we ever could for ourselves! Like Jospeh, may we too find him faithful this Christmas!

The Easter story introduces us to a diverse cast of characters who encountered Jesus on the way to the cross and on the other side of the empty tomb. As we meet Jesus through the eyes of Peter, Pilate, the Roman Centurion, and others, God reveals to us who Jesus is and what he accomplished on our behalf. This Easter, may we meet the living Christ in a fresh way, receive his grace, and respond with thankful praise!